“We champurrias/we mapuche”. Guerra florida by Daniela Catrileo


  • Fernanda Moraga García Universidad Andrés Bello


There is a corpus of current poetry of Mapuche women that is situated in a dissident champurria poetic enunciation from essentialisms and cultural stereotypes –Mapuche and non-Mapuche–, and that assumes an evident frontier enunciation in which different experiences and knowledges intersect. In this perspective we understand the concept of champurria as an experience and a political, ethical, dialogical, and artistic position of cultural frontiers. It is a “frontier” that is framed within the diasporic experience that the Mapuche people have had to face from the end of the 19th century until today, as product of colonialist violence and its racializing correlate. Along these lines, it seems to us that the poetry of Mapuche women, while it challenges these landcapes of meanings, establishes a critical discourse in which decolonization policies mediate, opening spaces for differentiating knowledge. Based on these reading perspectives, I explore the poetry book Guerra florida (2018) by Daniela Catrileo in relation to the political dialogues between the champurria enunciation, the diasporic experience, and the decolonization of the frontier.


poetry, mapuche, champurria, diaspora, frontier