
Publication Policies

Process of Review by Peers

The process of review of the articles will be carried out by a peer reviewers who are experts in the subject matter, under the double-blind system, in which authors and reviewers do not know their respective identities and institutional affiliations. The Editorial Team will consider the pertinence of the material received, duly notifying the author about the acceptation or rejection of the materials submitted. The evaluation process includes the following stages and actions:

  1. Article Submission: via webpage http://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/

    Next, the manuscript undergoes review by the editors, who will assess its relevance to the journal's theme and the call for papers, as well as its compliance with the requirements outlined in the publication guidelines. Editors may also request a pre-review of the article before sending it to peer reviewers. All articles received will be checked using the Turnitin plagiarism detection software.

  2. Once the deadline for article submission has passed, the editors will contact a minimum of two reviewers, who will not know each other or have any information about the authors. Likewise, the authors will not know who will review their article. The standard timeframe set for reviews is four weeks.
  3. The review will be defined according to the following points:
  • Originality of the theme, the approach with which it is addressed and the clarity with which the arguments are expressed.
  • Thematic coherence with respect to the call for the current issue. If it corresponds to an open theme submission, the relevance to the field of architecture will be considered.
  • Logic structure in the formal development of the article, with appropriate writing and spelling.
  • Coherence among the images used in the article, whether photographs, technical drawings, tables, graphs, or others.
  • Pertinence of the bibliographic references used and correct use of APA 7th edition Style quotes.
  1. The reviewers will indicate if they recommend the acceptance of the article, suggest modifications in form or contents for its acceptance, or recommend the rejection of the article.
  2. In case of discrepancies among the reviewing peers, the editors will appoint other reviewers to join the process in order to determine the acceptance or rejection of the article.
  3. The editors will prepare a single document with the review of each individual article and send it to the respective authors, with the purpose of informing them the reasons for acceptance or rejection, or if the document requires modifications in order to be acceptable, plus the dates for the new submission.
  4. In case it is determined that an article requires modifications, the editors will receive a new version and verify the correction of the observations and suggestions made by the reviewers, asking them if they still have questions about the article, or if it is accepted.
  5. By submitting contributions to Revista de Arquitectura, it is understood that the authors are aware of and agree to its copyright conditions.

    The complete evaluation process of an article submitted to Revista de Arquitectura takes between 4 and 24 weeks from receipt to evaluation verdict.



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