
Casa de Veciñanza, an alternative way of life for elderly in Galicia



Casa de Veciñanza is an experimental project, not yet built, to develop a public facility in a small village in Galicia, Roupar, in Xermade (Galicia), which concentrates local facilities like a care centre and sociocultural space for elderly. The intervention prioritises the refurbishment of existing buildings with heritage value to mitigate the deficit in care services for elderly in rural areas, proposing an alternative model to the traditional ones for an active aging with the participation of the community in all the process. The proposal is based on a previous analysis of the territorial, social and cultural context, proposing an architecture as a flexible platform that encourage the inhabitants appropriation and the interaction with the place where it is inserted. The project was developed by a multidisciplinar team considering the premise to extrapolate findings to another rural areas in Galicia.


Architecture as a flexible platform, architectural heritage in Galicia, architecture and care, citizen participation, elderly architecture


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