
Variations and inversions on modern themes in García-Solera’s Aulario III



After modernism and postmodernism, a question slips unequally between critics and architects: what kind of architectures are appropriate? Rodríguez Magda coined the term ‘transmodernity’, which could well be extrapolated to architecture to refer to those contemporary works in which modernity is still somewhat present. To this end, we Analyse the Aulario III at the University of Alicante as a case study, a work by Javier García-Solera, and its relationship with works by Mies or references to São Paulo school —understood as a ‘heroic modernism’ within critical regionalism—, through a comparative critical analysis. The work analysed here is inspired by different examples of modern architecture, but approaches them without falling into the temptation of repetition, introducing variations and inversions of the model as a deleuzian differentiation design strategy. It is thus, at the centre of the contemporary debate on its critical positioning in relation to the models of a brilliant moment in the history of the discipline, being able to integrate the best references of the modern realm.


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