
From archive to fieldwork. Terunobu Fujimori and the Tokyo Architectural Detective Agency, 1971-1986



This article addresses the relationships and exchanges between architecture and fieldwork, from a framework formed by three approaches: spatial practices, architectural ethnography and sensory studies. In order to explore these intersections, a historiographic review of the career of the Japanese architect Terunobu Fujimori is carried out, with emphasis on his initial stage, developed between 1971-1986. In this period, there is a methodological transition from his beginnings as an architectural historian linked to archival research, where he investigated the urban planning of Tokyo during the Meiji Era, to the fieldwork developed with the Tokyo Architectural Detective Agency, an experience that marked a shift towards innovative research methods, which are established here as the focus of this research. The objective of this study is to give an overview of the methods associated with this new way of working, in order to understand the implications and disciplinary scope of empirical research in architecture.


Graphic representation, Terunobu Fujimori, fieldwork


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