
Pragmatic values. The operation of practicity and coherence in CORVI rationalized housing



Materiality of architectural works is an element that allows us to identify the presence and duration of technical moments in societies. This paper analyzes a housing design document, elaborated by the teams of the Corporación de la Vivienda between 1966 and 1972, and which were massively built in Chilean cities until 1977. It is proposed that the material composition of these works constitutes an element that allows verifying the way in which a massive group of buildings is coherent among themselves and, at the same time, shows how it was linked to the socio-material moment of its design. Thus, it is possible to account for a society that designed and built mainly with brick and wood, but also with asbestos in roofs, tiles and walls. Thus, in order to maintain this group of buildings within the society, and not to demolish them massively, both the toxic materiality has been gradually removed and the aesthetics of the buildings have been renewed, covering their previous material gestures and affecting their coherence as a massive group in favor of a new, more singular, typological identity.


rationalized housing, Housing Corporation, pragmatic value, praticity, coherence


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