
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

New judicial formulas to face cases of vulneration of human rights by international organizations


  • Patricio Masbernat Universidad Autónoma de Chile
  • Gloria Ramos-Fuentes Universidad Autónoma de Chile


The immunity of jurisdiction of International Organizations has been based on various theories Law, which are usually grouped in the absolute thesis, the relative thesis and the functional thesis. These theories have not been sufficient to respond to the current judicial problems in which international organizations have been involved in various countries of the world. As a result of this, several specialists of great prestige have delivered countless ideas to face these new problems. Also, various courts have been building new theses that respond to the current international reality in which these organizations are moving. Today it might be possible to build a new thesis from the perspective of the legal doctrine of Public International Law. Indeed, some international and national courts of different countries have faced this issue from a different perspective, according to a theory that could be called the principle of quid pro quo (or reciprocity). The authors of this paper seek to show these new judicial tendencies and reason about them.


Inmunity of jurisdiction, international organizations, human rights, judicial decisions

Author Biographies

Patricio Masbernat, Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Patricio Masbernat es abogado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Magíster y doctor en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España, y se desempaña como profesor de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile.

Gloria Ramos-Fuentes, Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Gloria Ramos-Fuentes es abogada de la Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Derecho Internacional de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España. Actualmente es doctoranda de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile y se desempeña como abogada de la Dirección Jurídica del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile.