
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

The New Anti-discrimination Law: Guidelines for its Further Improvement


  • Tomás Vial Solar Universidad Diego Portales


This paper focus on two key omissions of the new Chilean antidiscrimination act, Law No. 20.609 of 2012: the lack of a proper public body in charge of establishing antidiscrimination polices and of legal definitions of discrimination for sexual orientation and gender identity. Some general criteria for the creation of that body are proposed and also generally accepted definition of those terms.


Discrimination, sexual orientations, gender identity, legislation

Author Biography

Tomás Vial Solar, Universidad Diego Portales

Abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; LL. M (Legal Master) en Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Notre Dame, Estados Unidos; Magíster en Derecho Público, mención derecho constitucional, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Ph.D, University College London (UCL). Actualmente Investigador del Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Diego Portales y profesor de derecho constitucional en la misma Universidad.