
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

The Emergence of the Inter-American Public Defender


  • María Fernanda López Puleio Defensoría General de la Nación de Buenos Aires


This paper examines the figure of the Inter-American Public Defender, established in the 2009 reform of the IAHR Court’s Rules of Procedure. It discusses its scope and range of action, and its relationship with other international courts’ legal provisions. It then looks at the institutional arrangements between the Inter-American Court and the Inter-American Association of Public Defenders offices (AIDEF), which enabled the provision of public defenders in the proceedings before the Inter-American Court, their selection criteria and the mechanisms for the assignment of cases, in connection with the public defender’s first interventions. Finally, it addresses the public defender’s main challenges in the Inter-American human rights system.


Inter-American human rights system, Inter-American public defender, Access to justice

Author Biography

María Fernanda López Puleio, Defensoría General de la Nación de Buenos Aires

Abogada (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Investigadora sobre derecho de defensa en la Università degli studi di Camerino bajo la dirección de Luigi Ferrajoli. Profesora de Posgrado en Defensa Pública Penal (UMSA). Defensora Pública Oficial de la Defensoría General de la Nación Argentina, a cargo de la Secretaría General de Política Institucional. Ex-Consultora Internacional para el fortalecimiento de la Defensa Pública en Guatemala y República Dominicana. Defensora Interamericana desde el 3 de marzo de 2010.